Toki Pona workshop
Cheat sheet
You can find the cheat sheet we used here.
More resources
- jan Pije’s excellent lessons
- official Toki Pona dictionary
- sike mama, a short story I translated
- some xkcds I translated
- puzzle zines by increpare
- @jan_lini, my Toki Pona Twitter account
- seme li sin?, a YouTube channel producing news in Toki Pona
- Where is Toki Pona used?, a huge collection of Toki Pona content, including podcasts and books
- lipu Wesi pi toki pona, the Toki Pona subreddit
Exercise ideas
- Fill out some puzzle zines
- Tokiponize your name
- Combine two Toki Pona words, then think about what the resulting expression could mean
- Translate your Twitter bio to Toki Pona, or describe your occupation, your family, and your hobbies
- Translate some of your favorite quotes to Toki Pona
- Find some noun/term that seems hard to express in Toki Pona, then try to express them :)
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