SpaceAPI logo

2018-07-23 / blinry / CC BY-SA 4.0 / art, logo

The SpaceAPI provides information about hackerspaces, like addresses, contact information, or door opening status. One team member maintaining this project approached me and asked if I could design a logo for them. Well, sure! :)

Regular version

This is the normal version, which can be used in website headers, on stickers, and other merchandise:

SpaceAPI logo

There’s also a SVG of this, which can be scaled up for large print sizes, as well as a clean, plain SVG, which does not include the fancy texture, suitable for 3D printing, milling, plotting, and so on. There are also variants for dark backgrounds of the default and the plain version.

Avatar version

This is a reduced version, which looks pretty in a square and a circle, and can be used as all kinds of avatars.

SpaceAPI avatar

This also has a SVG version as well as a plain SVG version. And also for this avatar, there are variants for dark backgrounds of the default and the plain version.


And finally, there’s a multi-resolution favicon.


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