Operation Mindfuck Vol. 3
bleeptrack & blinry
Grant Acedrex
Losing chess
Infinite chess
Blind chess
Pippin Barr's "Chesses"
Chess boxing
Ray Marching &
Signed Distance Functions
Ray tracing
Ray marching
Interesting numbers
Assume there were uninteresting (natural)
Then there would be a smallest uninteresting
Which would be interesting for that fact alone!
So our assumption must be wrong.
So all natural numbers are interesting!
Gabriel's horn
Coastline paradox
DeCSS The Movie
All we have to do
is this: copy our DKEY
into im1,
use the rule above
that decrypts a disk key (with
im1 and its
friend im2 as
inputs) -- thus we decrypt the
disk key im1.
Cloud Face
Cloud Face