Crossing the USA by train

2024-08-19 / blinry / CC BY-SA 4.0 / travel

Today, I get to start a train trip I’ve always wanted to do: Going from New York to San Francisco!!

This map shows that first section of the trip. I’m taking the “Lake Shore Limited”, an overnight train. Will arrive in Chicago in around 20 hours, and amazingly, that’s the only time I’ll have to change trains!

The train's route shown on a map. It goes through Albany, Buffalo, and Cleveland, and alongside Lake Erie.

We’re first going north, following the Hudson river.

The seats are big and comfy! But the train seems to be booked out.

Looking out of a train, there's a big river.

A train attendant asked everyone where they’d get off, and put little notes over our seats – probably to wake up people who have to get off in thr middle of the night.

Two paper notes say "Chi'.

Another picture of the Hudson river! Pretty light!

Sunrays fall onto the river through a cloud.

Surprise: We’re stopping in Albany for a full hour! Maybe to connect with a train from Boston?

So now I can show you my train from the outside:

It has red-white-blue stripes, and looks relatively big.

The connecting train was delayed, so now we also are! 🙃

Making our way out of Albany, now heading westwards!

High buildings behind trees.

I just realized that the entire trip from coast to coast will be 5000 kilometers long.

That’s a lot of kilometers.

You could also say: Five megameters!

(3150 miles, for you folks with non-SI units :P)

It’ll take three nights overall. I’m sooo hyped! 😆

When I told @piko about this trip, they reminded me of the time I got that book about hypersonic trains from the library, a hypothetical train system designed for 7200 km/h:

https:// 153260987

Good morning!

Oof, didn’t sleep much… the AC in the train is set ridiculously cold, the ride is very shaky, and there’s nothing to lean your head against…

But we made it through a brief section of Pennsylvania and through Ohio, and are about to cross over to Indiana!

A golden field in the morning sun.

Hello Chicago! :)

Me, a red-bearded white human, in front of Chicago's Union Station.

Most important thing to do during the stopover: Get more vegetables for the second stretch of the train trip!

But not these. One is not a vegetable, and I’m not sure if I can prepare the other one?

Red bananas.

"Banana flowers", look like corn cobs in their husks.

Visited Chicago’s Climate Action Museum, and one of its central messages is: “Stay home!”

As someone who loves to travel, who takes so much joy from immersing myself in places, cultures, landscapes I’m not used to, this leaves me confused and conflicted… :/

Introductory sign, explaining that we're the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last one that can do something about it.

Sign about letting go of barriers to action.

Introductory sign, explaining that we're the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last one that can do something about it.

I’ve gone though a similar process when I started eating a vegan diet.

The last question it came down to was “Is my personal enjoyment of the taste of animal products more important than the suffering of those animals?” – and my personal answer was “no”. Especially when it’s as easy as it is these days to replace those products.

Maybe I could substitute travel experiences, as well? 🤔

Anyhow. Here’s the route for the second part of my trip!

Seat61 calls the California Zephyr “one of the great train rides of the world”.

It’ll take 51 hours, over the course of two nights, and, eventually, bring me to @bangbangcon !

A stylized poster for the California Zephyr train from Chicago to Oakland.

Here we go!! Boarding!

A two-storey metal train. People are walking towards it.

I’m treating myself to a “roomette” with an actual fold-down bed on this train.

Here’s my little home for the next 2.5 days!

I sit in a "roomette" onboard the train and look very happy!

Leaving Chicago! 👋

House by a lake outside a train window.

Here’s a tour of all the features of my li’l roomette!

There’s two seats like this, opposite of each other. Using the handlebar below it, you can recline the back a bit, like in an overnight bus.

One of the seats. Grey and smooth.

The two of them, opposite each other.

A plastic table between the seats fold out. It seems to have an integrated chess board! :O

Said table. Also gray.

Control panels next to the head rests allow you to set the air temperature, and the volume of the announcements.

Sadly, the other “music channels” are silent. You can also set the ceiling lights to bright, dim, and off. Very handy.

I also have been granted the power to summon a train attendant! Haven’t used it yet.

Trmperature control panel.

Volume control panel.

Speaking of lights, there are at least 5, which can be controlled individually, for a very customizable lighting experience!

Lights in the ceiling.

There’s a trash can, a mirror, coat hangers, and tiny cute corners for tiny cute towels! 😆

Said things in multiple unremarkable photos. Oh, in the mirror photo I make a heart with one of my hands!

I didn’t notice this at first, but under the ceiling, there’s a ready-made fold-down bed, with straps to make sure you don’t fall out!

And the lower seats also can be collapsed flat, and there’s an extra mattress to put on top; so this room can be used by two people!

Upper bed, folded away.

Upper bed, folded out.

Lowe bed, collapsed flat.

~ End of the room tour ~

I feel a bit like in a space ship! The room is compact and functional, but I really like it.

What I don’t have here is a toilet – there are shared toilets and showers in the hallway. I’ll report! And I also have the rest of the train to explore!

We have just crossed the Mississippippi River, which marks the state border between Illinois and Iowa! The train went extra slow, not sure whether for safety reasons or for photo op reasons! :P

A wide river.

Slept really well! Woke up in Denver, Colorado, where we’re making an hour-long refueling stop!

A bridge over a river in the morning.

Took a shower in one of the little shower cabins!

A plastic chaning room with towels.

A plastic shower.

And decided to go on a little walk. You can already see the Rocky Mountains from here!!

Let’s hope that I don’t miss my train! 😅

All photos show the station and street scenes in Denver, and mountains in the distance.

Headed into the mountains now!

Mountains on the horizon.

Impressive to see how quickly the Great Plains gave way to this very different kind of landscape! :O

Both pics show forest-covered mountains.

We’ve passed the Moffat Tunnel, and are now snaking our way alongside some very pretty creeks!

Rivers though mountains.

We made another li’l stop earlier, so I can show you my train from the outside! :)

I'm pointing at a big Amtrak train. Mountains in the distance.

And here’s more of the interior! Coach section, panorama lounge, and diner!

The diner car is where passengers with sleeper tickets get three free meals per day! And they do have vegan options! \o/

Pics of the sections.

It’s interesting to meet different kinds of people on the train:

Yesterday, I had dinner with a polite nurse and her mum yesterday, and we were joined by a French guy, who kept drinking wine and talking about his many great trips and friends… :/ Not the kind of conversation I’m into…

For lunch today, I had better luck: I was seated with a retired genetic researcher, whom I inmediately liked! He has a refreshingly positive perspective on scientific progress.

The landscape has changed yet again, and is now much more cliff-y and sandy.

That’s Mt. Garfield on the last picture!

All photos show dry cliffs, sometimes with rivers.

We’ve stopped at Grand Junction, on the edge of the Colorado Plateau, a “high desert”. It’s hot all of a sudden, 90 °F/32 °C!

Our train is stopped in front of a big wooden house at the platform.


Tumbleweed in a dry landscape.

And we encountered the California Zephyr going in the other direction! :)

A train like ours in a desert-y landscape.

Seing plenty of things for the first time on this trip! Amish people. A forest fire. Eagles that aren’t in captivity. A desert!

Pictures of the Colorado Plateau! It’s vast, much more than I had imagined.

All pictures show sandy, rocky landscape without much plants.

What’s going on at Green River? Wrong answers only!

Next to a town, in a satellite image, there are multiple big dark circles visible. Some have patterns in them.

By the way, I lied to you! I’m not going to San Francisco directly. This train ends in Emeryville, close to Oakland.

I’ll then make my way South, to Santa Cruz, where @bangbangcon takes place! (You can still get pay-what-you-want online tickets!)

It’s only after !!Con that I’ll explore San Francisco for a few days. It’s my first time there! Any recommendations for what to see/eat/do there?

Also, does anyone of you live in San Francisco? I’ll be around from Monday to Friday – if someone would enjoy (and have time) to meet up and do a little city exploration together, that could be really fun!

Feel free to drop me a DM! 📬

Whattt! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better! 🌈

A rainbow over rocky cliffs, overseeing dry land. The shadow of the train falls onto the landscape.

(That was yesterday in Utah.)

At this point, we’ve made it through Nevada, and just entered California! Trees are starting to appear again!

A river through hills with trees.

First palm trees as we’re descending Sierra Nevada!

A palm tree among other trees, in a relatively flat landscape.

Almost there!!

Sun over a big body of water.

And there it is: The skyline of San Francisco!

A skyline of skycrapers in the distance.

And the Cloudy Gate Bridge! ✨

A long bridge in the clouds.

This is the final stop of my train.

I made it!! What an adventure!

I'm smiling, at a sign labelled "Emeryville, San Francisco Connection".

Feeling a bit sad as I watch my train drive away… :/ It has been my home for the past days!

An Amtrak train leaving a train station.

This was such a humbling, thrilling and inspiring trip! Thanks for following along, it was a huge joy to share it with y’all!

Might post some more reflections over the next days, but for now:

~ End of thread ~

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