>Útext="TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games. There are built-in tools for development: code, sprites, maps, sound editors and the command line, which is enough to create a mini retro game. At the exit you will get a cartridge file, which can be stored and played on the website. Also, the game can be packed into a player that works on all popular platforms and distribute as you wish. To make a retro styled game the whole process of creation takes place under some technical limitations: 240x136 pixels display, 16 color palette, 256 8x8 color sprites, 4 channel sound and etc." text=text.." "..text function TIC() cls() --mx,my=mouse() t=time()/3000 r=70 mx=120+r*math.cos((3*t)) my=68+r*math.cos(2*t+math.pi/2) for i=1,#text do char=text:sub(i,i) x=6*((i-1)%(240/6)) y=8*(i//(240/6)) d=math.sqrt((mx-x)^2+(my-y)^2) a=math.atan2(my-y,mx-x) d=d^3/2000 ox=math.cos(a)*d oy=math.sin(a)*d print(char,x-ox,y-oy,6,true) end end